I had recently attended the IIT Delhi's Golden Jubilee lecture by Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO. Microsoft had really tested our patience with their hour long demo of their latest technologies, until Mr Ballmer came to our respite. Oh boy! I liked his energy levels. He was in a CII session earlier that day and with a guarenteed busy life, he has very energetic at 5 PM.
The most important take away from his lecture was one word: 'tenacity'. Suddently, so many faces came to my mind ranging from Richard Branson (Founder of Virgin group) to Sanjeev Bikhchandani (naukri.com) to Deep Kalra (makemytrip.com). Each one of them had a business idea, sometimes ahead of their times, and stuck to it till success met them, and they were hugely successful. And only Mr Ballmer knows that better as he has his company create technologies and products for the future and wait for their success. Without such persistence a company like Microsoft cant bet their future. They need to invent new products and technologies, forecasting and even foreboding customer requirements. Mr Ballmer and his one word saved that evening.
Well.. I didn't know you write so well :-)
ReplyDeleteQuite an interesting presentation :-)